laskiaispulla || Shrove bun


Laskiaispulla mansikkahillolla (with strawberry jam)

In Finland, during this time of the year, you come across these gorgeous looking pastries in almost all the bakeries, supermarkets. Some even bake by themselves at home. These are called as the laskiaispulla or shrove buns in English. The shrove bun tradition originates from Sweden and they are called as 'semla'. 

So, what are shrove buns? They are light and airy buns with a hint of cardamom, having a hollow just enough to hold the filling which is usually almond paste or strawberry jam and whipped cream. Powdered sugar is drizzled on them and topped with almond bits.  They are DELICIOUS. 

Why are they specially eaten during this time of the year? On Shrove Tuesday (Laskiaistiistai in Finnish), people usually sled down the hill on their sledges. When people say 'Liukasta Laskiaista', it means they are wishing you a good slide down a snow covered hill. After the ride, the tradition is to eat pea soup, pancakes and laskiaspulla to make up for all the calories burnt during the outdoor sports. But most of them keep the tradition on by just eating the laskiaspulla. After the Shrove Tuesday, a period of 40 days of fastic before easter begins. One choses to eat simple and easily digestible food. And hence Shrove Tuesday is considered as the last day to eat all the greasy stuff or heavy creamed pulla! 😉 

Laskiaispulla mantelinmakuinen
(with almond paste)

Finally, the traditional debate over time begins. You are faced with the question, "are you a almond paste person or a strawberry jam person?" You have to make a rightful choice in order to have a proper 'laskiaispulla' conversation. The choice of filling has been controversial as to which is the right filling. It is justified by the allergy preferences, taste, history and authenticity. I must say, I am mostly an almond paste person. The taste of almond paste is nutty and complements the bun and the whipped cream. Although I am not following the traditions completely, I am here for the season to enjoy the laskiaispulla(s) and a hot cup of coffee to warm up amidst these cold temperatures.      


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